How to Stop People in Their Tracks

Feb 20, 2025

The other day I saw something that stopped me in my tracks… literally and physically.

I was at Jiffy Lube getting an oil change for my car and as I sat in the waiting room I noticed a small display on the counter showing the different kinds of wear and tear that happens on tires. With time to spare, I walked over to check it out.

It was a promotional piece with the title “Time For A Change?” and attached was a piece of an actual tire showing the difference in the rubber between a new, used, and highly used.

As expected, the “highly used” tire was worn to the point of being smooth and slick.

“Typical.” I thought. “They are trying to just get me to buy their tires. Another sales gimmick.”

Then as if this little piece of marketing material knew EXACTLY what I was thinking, there was a SECOND line of text that popped out:


· New tires? It takes 160 ft to stop in the rain.

· Partially worn tires? It takes 205 ft to stop in the rain.

· Worn out tires? 250 + feet…

The meaning? If you are driving in the rain and you have to slam on your brakes, the state of your tires could mean the difference between being in control or getting into a devastating car wreck.

Now I was paying attention.

What does this have to do with influence and success?

So often we communicate important facts to people because WE think it’s obvious.

We assume that because WE understand the details, everyone else does too.

But here’s the reality: People don’t pay attention to information. They pay attention to what information means to them.

The Jiffy Lube display didn’t just say, “Old tires are bad.” It showed me the real-life consequence in a way I couldn’t ignore.

It made me imagine what could happen to me and those I care about if my tires weren’t new.

Think about how you communicate your value to others.

· Do you lead with features — your qualifications, experience, or technical knowledge? Or do you show the real-world impact of what you do?

Think of a time when you shared an important fact with someone else.

· Did you just share the information and expect them to intuit why it mattered? Or Did you ALSO frame the information in a way that showed how it directly applied to them?

Consider an important piece of information you need to share with someone in the near future.

· Do you think the information alone will be enough to move and persuade them? If not, how can you make it highly relevant and applicable to them?

The best communicators don’t just share facts. They create a moment of realization — a mental gut punch that stops people in their tracks and makes them feel why something matters.

Just like that brilliant piece of communication did for me at Jiffy Lube.

(My trusty tires have brought this car to some pretty amazing places)

After the oil change was finished, I asked the service rep if he could take a look at my tires and give me his opinion.

Together we walked outside, and after he crouched down and looked at each of the wheels, gratefully he said they looked just fine. But as I drove away, I couldn’t help but realize that my behaviors had been influenced in ways I hadn’t intended.

When I arrived for the oil change, I didn’t plan on asking about my tires. It never would have crossed my mind. But that piece of promotional material altered my perceptions, influenced my awareness, and ultimately changed my behaviors.

Which is what great communication can do.

Influence isn’t about how much you know — it’s about how well you help others realize why it matters to them.

Because when you do that?

You don’t have to chase people down.

They’ll stop in their tracks — and listen.

And it won’t take 160 ft either.


CHRISTIAN HANSEN has gone behind the scenes in some of the biggest organizations in the world to find out the reasons why some people get chosen and why others don’t. As the #1 bestselling and LinkedIn Top Ten ranked author of “The Influence Mindset: The Art & Science of Getting People to Choose You” Christian helps teams and organizations who want to stand out and be the obvious choice. With degrees from Brigham Young University and The London School of Economics, he’s helped thousands of individuals position and sell themselves. A fan of international communication, history, and choral music, he currently lives in Utah with his wife. Reach him at:


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