How to Silence Critics (Without Saying a Word)
Mar 06, 2025
Nearby my house there is a simple trail which runs along an open pasture filled with horses. At first glance, its quite beautiful. A nice walk in nature filled with fresh air. But a lot of people tend to avoid it because of one problem:
The dogs.
Patrolling the edges of the field are two noisy dogs which holler and follow you as you walk past. Though they remain safely on the other side of the fence, they alert the entire neighborhood as if you were about to commit murder.
Most of the time I take a different path and avoid them all together but this last weekend I forgot, and sure enough as I rounded the corner… they saw me coming and started jumping up and down and barking as if something just bit them. I tried to ignore them… but quickened my pace nonetheless.
As I walked by, they snarled and harassed me every step of the way from the other side of the fence and I got pretty annoyed. I may or may not have matched their snarls with some barking of my own. Eventually, though, I made it past and enjoyed the rest of the trail.
Except for the next problem: on the way back… I knew I had to pass them again. Could I get them to NOT bark at me?

Here’s what I did: before I rounded the corner and came within sight of the dogs, I stopped and took a moment to fix my mind on the opposite end of the field where I had to go. I then focused on that destination with intense energy, and walked with determined purpose.
As I rounded the corner with my mind and heart firmly focused on my goal, I came within sight of the dogs. How would they react?
To my surprise… in complete silence. Even though they saw me from 25 yards away they didn’t make a single sound.
The closer I got, the more I fixed my eyes on the destination. Though I didn’t walk quickly, I walked with intensity. And in turn the dogs kept silent the entire time. Even as I came within a few feet of them, they turned around and started sheepishly sniffing the ground. Instead of hootin’ and hollerin’, they were avoiding me!
Eventually I reached the other side of the field and went out of sight. However, I turned to look and saw the dogs hadn’t moved from their spot. They were still quiet, and sniffing the ground. Just like me, they were probably wondering what on earth just happened.
How come… just minutes before… they were barking and trying to scare me off? And yet when I passed on my way back, they remained silent?
What had changed? I did.
More importantly, the energy and focus I invested in my goal changed how they perceived me. So much so, they got out of my way and left me alone.

(Photo: Here’s a happy dog to make your day better)
What does this have to do with influence and success?
No matter what you do, there are always going to be critics and people with opinions. And whenever you are trying to do something truly meaningful and important, just like those two dogs, people seem to come out of nowhere and bark at you.
Maybe your idea is stupid, they say.
You’re heading in the wrong direction.
You’re going to fail. Why even try?
In these moments, do you know the best way to shut them up? Just like I discovered: pursue your goal with intensity, and purpose. And no matter what, keep your eye on the prize and walk with determination.
I’ve heard it said that, “the person with the most certainty has the most influence.”
Have you ever encountered a person who had clarity and certainty about the path they were traveling? How did it impact you? Did you feel inclined to criticize them? Or did you pay them more attention?
Similarly, when you show up with purpose, and when you walk in the room with a focused vision of what you want to accomplish, people (and obstacles) will respond in kind.
But here’s the key: Clarity creates courage. And its that courage that people notice and pay attention to.
Having certainty isn’t arrogance. It’s quiet confidence. It’s not about proving yourself to doubters. It’s about being so clear on what you want…that their doubts no longer phase you.

(Photo: Keep your eye on the destination)
So here’s my challenge to you:
This week, when you encounter resistance — whether it’s from external critics or your own self-doubt — how will you respond?
Will you get distracted by the barking? Or will you fix your eyes on the goal and move forward with more purpose? You’ll be surprised at the power this creates. Even if you have to fake it till you make it.
Because the truth is, when you own your path with certainty, the noise fades.
And before you know it, your doubts and those critics will no longer be barking.
They’ll be watching and paying attention.
Maybe even sniffing the ground wondering what on earth just happened.
CHRISTIAN HANSEN has gone behind the scenes in some of the biggest organizations in the world to find out the reasons why some people get chosen and why others don’t. As the #1 bestselling and LinkedIn Top Ten ranked author of “The Influence Mindset: The Art & Science of Getting People to Choose You” Christian helps teams and organizations who want to stand out and be the obvious choice. With degrees from Brigham Young University and The London School of Economics, he’s helped thousands of individuals position and sell themselves. A fan of international communication, history, and choral music, he currently lives in Utah with his wife. Reach him at:
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